Beit Beirut
Beit Beirut is a museum and an urban cultural centre celebrating the history of Beirut and the civil war. The cultural centre is in the restored Barakat building, also known as the "Yellow House," a historic landmark designed by Youssef Aftimus.
Set on the former "green line," during the civil war, the Yellow House acted as a forward control post and sniper base. In addition to its strategic location, the airy architecture of the Yellow House, with its transparency and varying angles of shooting, was used for military purposes to control the surrounding area, known as the "Sodeco Crossroads’’. Moreover, youth activists played a big role in saving the building from being demolished,
notably Mona Hallak who played a major role in it. Currently, the spaces house different seminars and workshop engaging the youth people of Lebanon.
Created by Nada Nasser Eddine and Khodor El Jannoun.